01 Oct Quesellda, The Owl
There is a project called “Another Limited Rebellion” where you do an art project/day for the month of October. I’ve wanted to do this challenge for years. I asked Beau do it as well.
DAY 1: Make something that fits in the palm of your hand, using only the materials you find in your immediate environment
I planned to make something from nature because we live by a river. I decided on an owl which I made from cardboard, daisies, leaves, bark, hot glue and plastic google eyes and paint. When my Beau Been got home from work, he helped me with it all and brought out some pecans so we could make the beak and claws. We had such fun taking the photos. We decided to do the challenge together.
This is our owl, Quesdella. We are somewhat traumatized the petals will wilt.